Patient Reviews: Dr. Jason Cohen

Jason D. Cohen, MD, FACS

Verified Patient Rating: 0
(0) Patient Reviews and Ratings
The following are reviews from patients of Dr. Cohen.
  • “Dr. Cohen is a great doctor and always takes the time to listen to you and address any issues. I would and have highly recommended him and this office to people.”

    – Kathleen C.

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  • “From the moment you walk into the office to the moment you are walking out, this practice is just what "Professional" is all about! Dr. Cohen and Adrian make a heck of a team! Always super responsive to your needs and questions. Dr. Cohen will spend all the time you need in a consultation or with post surgery concerns.”

    – Gary T.

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  • “Dr. Cohen cares about his patients; he didn't rush through my appointment as other doctors do. He has given me the time to heal correctly also.”

    – Scott C.

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  • “Thank you so much for the excellent care I received. Your expertise has given me a life back. I would highly recommend you and your excellent staff. ”

    – Jamie D.

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  • “Dr. Cohen walked me through exactly what was going on with my back. We tried pain management before we made any decisions. Unfortunately, ultimately, I had to have fusion surgery. The surgery was clearly explained to me. It was also made very clear about my recovery path and what to expect. I am now playing tennis and riding my horse again. These things were impossible before the surgery.”

    – Amanda F.

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  • “Had severe back pain due to disc herniation in my lower back couldn't walk or do much of anything for over three months. Dr. Cohen cleaned out the herniation and removed a bone spur that was on Jan. 11th. Feeling great now, I'm thrilled I had the procedure done. I feel great and am grateful for everything thanks so much!”

    – William B.

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  • “Great doctor and staff.”

    – John S.

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  • “Everyone from Dr. Cohen to his entire staff is nothing but the best! Caring and compassionate and very professional. Could never go to anyone else for care for myself or my family.”

    – William F.

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  • “ Excellent staff Dr. Cohen is a very understanding right to the point type of doctor and a great person. ”

    – Mark P.

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  • “Super professional, always very accommodating, and Dr. Cohen will answer any questions and take his time.”

    – Nicole C.

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  • “Dr. Cohen was Great. He took the time to understand my problem and seemed to want to try and help me. ”

    – Robert R.

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  • “I broke my leg at 10 PM on July 12th and taken to Monmouth Medical. X-rays were taken and confirmed it was a fractured femur. Dr. Cohen saw me very soon after the x-rays, and we discussed my options. It got decided the best course would be a partial hip replacement. Since I was on Plavix, it got done the next evening. I'm happy with the operation and care I received, as there was no pain at all in the hip and there hasn't been any since. Eight months, and I can walk without any support. Did I mention that I'm 75? I would recommend Dr. Cohen.”

    – Ken M.

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  • “ I had an excellent experience with the doctors and the staff: excellent recovery and proper physical therapy. ”

    – Richard S.

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  • “There is no question that my life has changed for the better. There is not one single day that passes without being grateful for the skill, judgment, and experience that Dr. Cohen brought forth to the operating room on the day of my surgery. ”

    – Suzanne M.

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  • “Dr. Cohen has done an excellent job for me. He got me scheduled for surgery when I desperately needed to get it done. I’m pleased with the results to this point. He made it very easy for me to understand what he was going to do and how it all worked out during surgery. ”

    – Michael K.

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  • “After several months of living with pain. After seeing a chiropractor, having physical therapy, and trying acupuncture, nothing was helping. I sought care from Dr. Cohen. I couldn't look up, down, or to the side. After MRI, Dr. Cohen determined I had three herniated discs, and I could try epidural shots, but that would only be a temporary band-aid. He recommended that I needed surgery to repair three discs in my neck. He would insert a plate and screws. He took the time along with Adrienne his nurse (which seems to be his right-hand person) to explain in detail what I would experience before, during, and after surgery. Dr. Cohen explained to my husband after surgery that he couldn't believe how much pain I was tolerating. I was bone on bone. After surgery, it was a rough week; each day got better. I'm here one year later, pain-free, complete range of motion, working out five times a week and feel great. I owe all of it to Dr. Cohen. I feel like he saved me. ”

    – Debra S.

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  • “ I can’t say enough wonderful things about Dr. Cohen, Adrienne, and the whole staff. I walked in there the first time terrified and in a lot of pain. Dr. Cohen diagnosed my problem and explained why I needed neck surgery. He and Adrienne answered all my questions. The results after the operation were excellent and the follow-up care was great as well. I have been pain-free ever since. ”

    – Michele C.

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  • “God is number one Dr. Jason D. Cohen is number two. ”

    – Mark P.

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  • “Dr. Cohen is a very experienced and competent doctor. Above all, he has great compassion for his patients. Between my wife and myself, we have had five back surgeries by Dr. Cohen. I cannot even think of going anywhere else for back surgery if either one of us needs surgery again, and it will be by Dr. Cohen. If I have a question about my treatment, Dr. Cohen or one of his staff always gets back to me. Dr. Cohen says that my wife and I are now like family and he treats us like we are. He’s a great guy and doctor.”

    – Charles S.

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  • “Dr Jason Cohen was exceptional not only in the office but also in the hospital and I would recommend him to anybody!!! ”

    – Sandra B.

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  • “Dr. Cohen and his staff are great and he did an exceptional job on my neck 2.5 years ago and my lower back in November. He's getting me back together piece by piece and I'll be back in to see him again soon.”

    – Wesley W.

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  • “Great Dr. Would recommend to family and friends. ”

    – Patricj M.

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  • “Words cannot express how grateful I am to Dr. Jason Cohen. I was in excruciating back pain because of a herniated disc and very nervous about getting surgery. The only thing I could do without pain was lie flat or stand straight. Any sitting , bending, sneezing, etc was intense pain. Dr. Cohen got me in right away, his team got me an MRI that same day and he explained the procedure to me and told me that he could get me out of pain. I trusted him and his team and they did just that! In a very short time frame, I was back to paddleboarding, yardwork, yoga and beach volleyball. NO Restrictions!! I got my life back, pain free!! The other HUGE component was that his team verified my insurance for me (something you really don't feel like doing when you are in that much pain) and there was very little out of pocket expense! Life is too short to be in pain when you have a surgeon like Dr. Cohen around. He's the best!!! Feel so blessed. Thanks again Dr. Cohen!!!”

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  • “I underwent emergency lumbar spinal surgery, expertly and swiftly performed by Dr. Cohen within hours of meeting him to relieve crushed nerves as a result of a severely herniated disc. Some years later after developing symptoms that included severe pain down the back and front of both legs, Dr. Cohen performed a Transpsoas Interbody and Posterior Lumbar Fusion at L3-4, L4-5. I put my trust in Dr. Cohen and he saved me twice. During my hospital stays, Dr. Cohen visited me every day, not only to check on my condition but to comfort me and my family. God made a good man and fine surgeon when he made Jason Cohen.  I have been Dr. Cohen's patient for years now. He, his nurse Adrienne and the rest of his staff are kind, compassionate, dedicated, and very hard working. They are also excellence teachers. Dr. Cohen and Adrienne took the time to educate me and answer questions about my condition, the type of surgery I would receive, and the necessary post-surgical care to be administered.  There is no need to travel to New York or Pennsylvania in search of a spinal surgeon when we are fortunate enough to have the best spinal surgeon right in our own backyard.”

    – Peter D.

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  • “I have a one year update to share: After my multi-level, 3 disc fusion on Sept 21, 2015 and 12 weeks of rehab, I was out playing golf once again. When I went to see Dr. Cohen back in Sept 2015 I was convinced that golf was no longer in my vocabulary and regaining full use of my legs may not be possible. My spinal cord was pinched off so severely that my legs could not hold me up and walking was very limited. Since then I have continued to exercise and began playing competitive golf in February, just 5 months later. This past August, one year to the day that I was injured, I returned to Myrtle Beach to compete in the world's largest amateur golf tournament, where I withdrew just one year ago. This event is a grinding 4 day tournament against 3500 golfers from all over the world and I was elated that I won my flight every day for four days straight. Then the day before my 50th birthday, two days before the anniversary of my surgery, I won the Club Championship at the Golf Club of NJ and then again the Club Championship at Pine Barrens Golf Course. Two weeks after that, another win at Galloway Golf Club in a NJ State tournament. These are all events that took me 20 years to finally win and I did it at age 50; one year after a major, major back surgery. I am so very grateful to Dr. Cohen for giving me my life back and I can't thank him enough. He is a phenomenal surgeon. Don't settle for less. ”

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